3 Tips For Keeping Your Dog Happy At The Vet
When taking your dog in for a visit to the vet, there are a few different things to take into consideration. One of these things is to consider ways to keep your dog happy while there. Your presence alone is helpful, but there are other things that you can do as well. Here are three tips for keeping your dog happy at the vet.
Bring Them A Friend
If you have another dog at home, or if there is a neighborhood dog that your dog likes to play with on a regular basis, then you should consider bringing this dog along with your dog that has an appointment scheduled at the veterinary office. Having a friend there will help your dog to remain much more happy and content because they will not feel as scared and alone. The two dogs can play together and have a good time while waiting for the appointment to start, and during the vet visit, the other dog can come back to the room with you as well.
Go During A Slow Time
If your dog gets nervous around a lot of people and/or other animals, then try to schedule your dog's appointment during a slow time. During these times there will be very few other people or animals in the office, and you may even have the waiting room to yourselves. This will help to reduce your dog's nervousness and help them to remain much more happy.
Take Them For Regular Non-Medical Visits To The Vet
Another great way to get your dog used to the vet and keep them happy while they are there is to take them in for regular visits. These visits don't have to be long and they can simply consist of your taking your dog in to say hi to some of the veterinary staff. This allows your dog to see the vet as a good place filled with kind people. Some of the staff may even give your dog treats, which will win them over even more.
Keeping your dog happy at the vet is important to a successful vet visit. To make sure this happens, you should bring a friend with them, such as another dog, go during a slow time when the vet office will be mostly empty, and take them in for regular non-medical visits so that they think of the vet as a friendly and inviting place. For more information, contact establishments like Phoenixville Animal Hospital - R B Wolstenholme DVM.